Service Fees


Engineering IT operates on a cost recovery funding model.  Units pay for services on behalf of their faculty, students, and staff with the College subsidizing some common and widely used services. Individual faculty and research groups may contract with Engineering IT for services not covered by their home unit.

The funding model is updated each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) but all billing cycles are on the calendar year. Because the budget is staff-heavy, most service costs can be expected to rise by approximately 2-3% per year in keeping with University compensation changes. Preliminary rates for each upcoming calendar year are announced in September with final rates being determined in December.

Contract Types

Department/Unit Contracts

Units provide their revised services requests during the Spring. Units receive a preliminary bill in September and one finalized bill each year, in January. These bills are for six months of service at the previous fiscal year rates (July through December) and six months at the current fiscal year rates (January through June). This is done to keep rates in alignment with the billing done for individual contracts.

Individual Contracts

Individual faculty and research groups who are contracting directly with Engineering IT are billed every month with bills sent at the end of each billing period. The services being contracted for may be changed at any time with the cost of changes prorated accordingly.

Individual contracts are billed at the most current finalized rates. Because the rate for each fiscal year is not locked in until December, this means that all published rates for individual contracts are also for the calendar year, not the fiscal year.

Portal Application Contracts

A separate fee structure for applications is used for non-Engineering units making use of applications in the Engineering Portal. These fees are billed annually with the bills normally being sent in April.

2024 Annual Rates

New rates are for the calendar year. Typically these rates are published at the start of the calendar year.
Rates listed below are rounded and are per year. Billing statements include exact costs.

Research Related

  • Server Management: $609 per supported system ($50.75/month)
  • Cluster Head Node: $609 per node ($50.75/month)
  • Cluster Compute Node: $139 per node ($11.58/month)
  • User Support for Research: $609 per FTE/year, Grad Students are charged as 50% FTE or $304.50/year or $25.33/month

Unit Related

  • Rates are still being finalized and will be published as soon as possible.


If there are any questions or items not included in the above rates please email, call Jackie Mitchell at 217-244-0896.

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