Unit Support Contacts

Engineering IT Support Teams and Customer Service Management Contacts

For assistance, email engrit-help@illinois.edu. Your message will be routed directly to the team of IT professionals assigned to your unit, who will respond within the next business day.

In the Spring 2021 semester, we made an organizational change to provide support through Support Teams instead of specific individuals. This change was made to improve our responsiveness to your support needs and increase our cross-training to better serve you.

Below, once you find your primary unit, you will also see which of our Support Teams serves your unit, and a link to see the members of that support team. The last column will provide you with the name of the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) assigned to your unit. Your CRM is your direct link into Engineering IT Shared Services leadership and a point of escalation if that becomes necessary.

Note: Siebel Support team is associated with the Engineering IT Shared Services Help Desk located in the Siebel Center for Computer Science.

Unit IT Operations Support Team Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)
Aerospace Engineering (AERO) MEL Support Team Elaine Robbins 
Applied Research Institute (ARI) MRL Support Team Irene Sakellarakis
BioEngineering (BioE) CSL Support Team Travis Ashmore
Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) Siebel Support Team Darius Summerville

Computer Science (CS)

Computational Science & Engineering (CSE)

Siebel Support Team Brad Butler
Coordinated Science Lab (CSL) CSL Support Team Mark Hart
Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) CSL Support Team Travis Ashmore
Engineering Admin (Engr Admin) MEL Support Team Bobbi Hardy
Engineering Human Resources Shared Services (HRSS) MEL Support Team Bobbi Hardy
Engineering IT (EngrIT) Siebel Support Team N/A
Engr. Shared Business Services Center (SBSC) Siebel Support Team Michael Chan
Illinois Center for Transportation (ICT) MEL Support Team Darius Summerville
Interdisciplinary Health Services Initiative (IHSI) Siebel Support Team Sal Belahi
Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering (ISE) MRL Support Team Irene Sakellarakis 
Information Trust Institute (ITI) CSL Support Team Mark Hart
Masters of Science in Financial Engineering (MSFE) MEL Support Team Travis Ashmore
Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) MRL Support Team Bobbi Hardy
Materials Science & Engineering (MatSE) MEL Support Team John Lee
Mechanical Science & Engineering (MechSE) MEL Support Team John Lee
Holonyak Micro & Nanotechnology Lab (HMNTL) CSL Support Team Sal Belahi
Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering (NPRE) MRL Support Team Elaine Robbins
Physics (PHY) MRL Support Team Bobbi Hardy
Siebel Center for Design (SCD) MRL Support Team Bobbi Hardy
Technology Entrepreneur Center (TEC) CSL Support Team Mark Hart

Research Support

For assistance, email engrit-help@illinois.edu. Your message will be routed directly to the team of IT professionals assigned to your unit, who will respond within the next business day. Depending on the nature of your request, you may receive a response from any of our Research Support team members.

Instructional Support

For assistance, email engrit-help@illinois.edu. Your message will be routed directly to the team of IT professionals assigned to your unit, who will respond within the next business day. Depending on the nature of your request, you may receive a response from any of our Instructional Support team members.